Kids Get Bored After School? 3 Types Of After School Programs You Can Put Them In

30 March 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

If your kids get bored after school each day this can get both frustrating for you and them. They may even start to act up and whine a lot to you because they have nothing to do. To take care of this, there is a variety of after school programs you can sign them up for, three of which are listed below.

Physical Activity and Healthy Eating

There are after school programs that teach your children different types of physical activity as well as ways they can eat healthily. This is a good program for any child--especially if any of your children are overweight.

The children may participate in a variety of physical activities, such as swimming, playing physically active games like kickball, going on nature walks, and more. The after school program may have a nutritionist come and teach the children about nutrition and how they can make healthy choices when it comes to eating. The program will likely serve food to the children while they are there and ensure the food they serve is always healthy for them.  

Community Service

There are after school programs that focus on doing community service. With this, your children may walk around town and pick up trash. Some after school programs visit people in nursing homes on a regular basis. The children can do many things with the people they visit, such as crafts, teach new skills, tell stories, or play card games.

The children may help deliver meals to the elderly or choose a person that needs help taking care of their yard, such as picking up, raking leaves, shoveling snow, or planting flowers. If there is a local food shelter in your community, the after school program may help make and serve the food.


Your children's school may offer an academics after school program. This builds on your child's learning outside of school. This may be done in a classroom much like regular school. The program may make things different, such as having class outside on warm days or let the kids sit on the floor together during the teaching. What they are taught needs to be in line with what your children are learning in school.

If you sign your children up for this type of after school program make sure qualified, licensed teachers run it.  This is especially helpful if your children are having trouble with certain subjects in school.

Talk with your children about these after school programs to see what they would like best. To learn more, contact a company like Rainbow School, Inc
